Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Pray for believers in Egypt

Hey guys, I'm really sorry about the lack of posting the past few days; I had to go out of town unexpectedly and had no internet access! But we are still praying!!
Egypt is known for being one of the safest Middle Eastern countries, with a rather solid group of Coptic Christians who were founded by the Apostle Mark two thousand years ago. Despite having a long standing Christian Church, Islam is the national Religion and most of Egypt is Muslim. Christians only make up 10% of the 80 million people who live in Egypt. Persecution has been going on for centuries, but recently it has been escalating. Two Christian brothers were arrested and charged for killing a Muslim who worked with them. They were actually attacked by a group of radical Muslims while all working on a church, and that is when the man died. They don't have any contact with their family and are being held on very false grounds, enduring many forms of torture to try to force a confession for the murder. Their family has no means of paying for anything without them and as of now they are without electricity and water. Also, a few days ago a Coptic church was surrounded by a mob of angry Muslims who chanted, “We will demolish the church,” “Islam is the solution” and “No God but Allah.” They were angry at the new building extension of the church, which took church leaders about fifteen years to get permits for. There have been many threats, and three Christians were arrested that night without any reason.
Please Pray that:
  • The Lord would have mercy on the two brothers in prison, they would be strengthened, and their families would be provided for, as we know our Father is the Father of the fatherless.
  • God would grant Egyptian Christians favor and protection in a very hostile environment, and they would be guarded from the enemies schemes.
  • The Church would continue to grow, and believers would be unafraid of persecution, arrest or torture for their faith in Jesus.
Thank you so much for praying guys:)

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