Monday, December 22, 2008

Pray for Christians in Bangladesh

Hey friends.

This past week, 13 Christian men were kidnapped and trapped inside a Buddhist pagoda in the southeastern part of Bangladesh. The motives behind it are to force the men to recant their newly found faith in Christ and perform the necessary rituals to become Christians again. If these men don't do what they are told, they could be beaten, and if they continue to practice Christianity, they could be killed. These are tribal peoples, and Christians have been threatened and warned that they must not stay in that area if they are going to be Christians. In a neighboring area, 50 Christian have been cut off from all communication and are completely isolated and unable to travel outside of their area. Buddhism and Christianity are both minority religions in the Muslim dominated Country, but the mountainous regions hold a lot of tribal Buddhists and recently, Christians. Christians are afraid of informing police, who would have trouble anyways trying to get through the mountains to these villages, because of underground Buddhist terrorist groups. They are fearful that these groups would attack greatly if the Christians were to call on help from the police.
Please pray that:
-The Lord would have mercy on the men who are being forced to become Buddhists, and they would be unafraid to give their lives for Jesus Christ.
-Hearts of the Buddhists committing these acts would be softened, and they'd want to know more about Jesus.
-God would grant peace in these areas, and Christians would be void of any fear, trusting that God will take care of them and their lives are in His hands.

Thanks for praying guys:)

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