Friday, December 26, 2008

Pray for Christians in Pakistan

Hey guys, here is an update from Voice of the Martyrs. Keep this girl and her father in your prayers!
On Tue. Dec 23 2008 at 12:08 PM Moderator wrote:
PAKISTAN - Young Christian Woman and Her Father Imprisoned – VOM Sources

Twenty- year-old Sandul Bibi and her father Gulsher are in prison in Pakistan, charged with violating section 295-B of the Pakistani legal code, the “blasphemy” law. Sandul is falsely accused of ripping pages from the Quran. On Oct. 9, a large crowd of Muslims attacked Christian families at a church, throwing stones and firing guns. They were shouting, “Kill Gulsher and his daughter Sandul.” Sandul and her father were arrested after a mob from the local mosque surrounded their house. Loudspeakers from different mosques broadcast accusations that Christians had disgraced the Quran, calling Muslims to attack and burn their homes. The angry crowd threw stones and set fire to Sandul’s home. Christians believe Sandul and her father were targeted and arrested because they were aggressively winning villagers to Christ. Pray Sandul and her father are released from prison. Ask God to encourage her family and for believers in Pakistan to be emboldened to continue proclaiming and sharing Christ.

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