Saturday, January 3, 2009

Prayer Update

Hey guys, here is the prayer update from the Voice of the Martyrs. There are verses that are helpful for praying for each situation under the story. Be blessed by the Lord today and be thankful that His grace is sufficient!

CHINA - 40 Christian Leaders Detained, 16 Sentenced to Administrative Detention - China Aid Association

On Dec. 16, 40 pastors and house church leaders were detained at a Christian leaders gathering in Taoling village, Henan province, according to China Aid Association. Officials told the Christian leaders they needed to pay between a 1,000 to 2,00 yuan fine (US $11.20-$22.40). Some of the Christians were released after paying the fine. However, 16 leaders were sentenced to 10 to 15 days administrative detention for engaging in an "illegal religious gathering." Mr. Yan Linshan, the host of the meeting, received 10 days of administrative detention and a 1,000 yuan fine. Pray for the imprisoned Christian leaders. Ask God to encourage them and their families during this difficult time. Pray God protects Christians in China and for them to forgive their persecutors.

Psalm 27:1

INDIA - Hindu Extremists Attack Christians in Karnataka - Compass Direct News

On Dec. 14, Hindu extremists from the Bajrang Dal group attacked a Christmas program organized by the Helping Hands organization and accused the director of forcible conversion. Extremists disrupted the program which helps rural women and children, accusing Samuel Moses of trying to forcibly convert women and children. The extremists burned gospel literature and took Moses and his accountant to the Bangarapet police station. The Christians were detained in the police station for about nine hours, with the incident publicized on local broadcast and print media. The Christians were later released without charges. Police Inspector Chinnana Swami told Compass Direct that the Christians were detained for questioning, but police found no forcible conversion and the case has been closed. Praise God the Christians were released. Ask God to protect Christians in India who face intimidation and sometimes imprisonment because of their faith in Christ.

Romans 8:31

VIETNAM - Authorities Destroy Church Building - Compass Direct News

On Dec. 17, local government officials destroyed a new wooden church building built by Hmong Christians in Cu Hat village, Dak Lak province, Compass Direct News reported. A large contingent of government officials, police and demolition workers arrived at the church in the morning and destroyed it. Police with electric cattle prods beat hundreds of distraught Christians who rushed to the site to protect the building. Five people were injured in the atack, including a child who suffered a broken arm and a woman who was poked in the stomach with a cattle prod. Pray for those injured in this attack. Pray believers will be able to rebuild the church building.

Romans 8:11

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