Saturday, January 24, 2009

Prayer Update

Hey guys, sorry for the lack of posting!! Winter Camp was last weekend for the High Schoolers, and this past week has been recovery :) Here is a VOM update for the past week, but don't worry, there will be other postings this week! Be blessed friends!
CHINA - Deathly Ill Husband Denied Visitation with his Imprisoned Wife – China Aid Association

Chinese government authorities have denied Hua Zaichen, 91, visitation with his imprisoned wife, 79-year-old Shuang Shuying, according to China Aid Association (CAA).
Zaichen, who is deathly ill, requested a final meeting with his wife to say his goodbyes, but officials refused to grant the request. “Authorities say Shuang Shuying is not allowed to leave prison before February 8, 2009, the end of her two-year sentence. Officials stated that if her husband died before then, she would be allowed to see his body for 10 minutes and would have to be chained, handcuffed, shackled and wearing a prison uniform,” CAA added. Pray for this family that has endured many hardships for the sake of their faith. Pray for Shuang Shuying to be released. Praise God for their courage!

Joshua 1:9

INDIA - Four Christians Arrested in Madhya Pradesh – VOM Sources

On Jan. 5, police arrested four Christians in the village of Kushalpura, Madhya Pradesh, India on false charges of forcible conversion. At 10:00 a.m., Pastor Kantilal Bhuria went to the home of a local Christian where 25 believers were gathered for prayer. During the service, a mob of Hindu extremists barged into the house and accused Pastor Bhuria of forcibly converting Hindus. The extremists verbally abused those present and beat a Christian woman. The police arrived on scene after receiving a phone call from the attackers and arrested four believers. At last report, these Christians remained in detention. Pray for the release of these Christians. Ask God to give them and other suffering believers in India grace, wisdom and endurance as they serve Him.

1 Peter 5:10-11

KAZAKHSTAN – President Sends Repressive Law for Constitutional Review – Forum 18 News

President Nursultan Nazarbaev of Kazakhstan has sent a repressive new law which aims to severely limit freedom of religion or belief to the country's Constitutional Council, Forum 18 News Service reported. Meanwhile, the government continues to repress the exercise of freedom of thought, conscience and belief. In January a Baptist pastor, Aleksandr Kerker, was fired from his job because he led worship without state permission. Pastor Kerker lost his job after authorities visited his employer. Pray for believers in Kazakhstan facing the possibility of harsher conditions if this repressive law is passed. Ask God to provide for Pastor Kerker and his family during this challenging time. Pray this pastor forgives his persecutors and for God to touch the heart of these authorities.

Philipians 4:6-7

UZBEKISTAN – Children and Parents Threatened for Attending Services – Forum 18 News

Police in southeast Uzbekistan have begun a campaign against children attending places of worship, Forum 18 News Service reported. The authorities' campaign, which also uses the state-controlled mass media, attacks schools and parents who allow children to attend religious "sects." Pray for Christian families who have come under scrutiny in Uzbekistan. Ask God to give them courage to continue serving the Lord despite what authorities say.

Psalm 91

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