Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Pray for Christians in Comoros

Hey friends.
Comoros is a country right off of Tanzania, and there is not much know about the persecution faced by Christians. Recently reports have come up that increased persecution has taken place, and it is intensely dangerous to be Christian or convert from Islam to Christianity. Out of the 1 million people that live on this island, only about 300 are Christian, a tiny minority. Government officials have taken away passports and travel documents from some Christians, making it impossible to leave the island. An influential Muslim leader recently converted to Christianity, and he has been in hiding from angry Muslims who are seeking to kill him for the past few months. Three Christian men were put in prison for for being involved with Christianity this year as well. The Muslims of Comoros believe that Christianity is from Tanzania, and they believe that Tanzania wants to take over their country, which in turn has caused a lot of tension.
Please pray that:
  • The Lord would bring revival to the country of Comoros, and the eyes of the people in that country would be opened to the truth.
  • Christians who are facing persecution would not lose heart, but instead persevere and take joy in enduring hardship.
  • Believers would be protected from the enemy and from violent attacks, and the Lord would give them favor with their communities.
Thanks for praying guys!


Ryan said...

Amen! Lord, please pour your spirit onto that island!!!

Unknown said...

I am curious what is the source of your information. I have been to Comoros more than once, to 3 of the four islands, and I have noticed no persecution towards Christians. Or course it being a very small muslim country means that there are simply not that many christians around... But there is an old Christian woman living in the capital Moroni who has been there for years, she's got a hospital where she helps those suffering, and the Comorians who are muslim do visit her, and accept her prayers.

Reality Carp Youth said...

Hi Melissa:)

here's the link for the article I read: http://www.opendoorsusa.org/content/view/850/

It seems like the persecution has been increasing recently, and with the incredibly small amount of Christians, I can understand how it wouldn't be apparent. That's really cool that you've been there before though:) Feel free to ask any other questions!
God bless:)